European conceptual histories Project (EHCP) Mission Statement


  • Javier Fernández Sebastián Universidad del País Vasco


Palabras clave:

conceptos constitucionales



Fecha de envío: 26/04/2011

Fecha de admisión: 07/05/2011



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Biografía del autor/a

Javier Fernández Sebastián, Universidad del País Vasco

Professor of History of Political Thought at the Universidad del País Vasco (Bilbao, Spain), and his work focuses on the field of intellectual and conceptual history of modern politics. He has been Fellow and Visiting Professor at various universities and research centres  in Europe and America, including the EHESS and the Université Paris III, the Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte (Göttingen) and the University of Cambridge. He is member of the editorial board of numerous Spanish and international journals and currently coordinates a far-reaching international Project on conceptual comparative history in the Ibero-American World. His recent books include a Diccionario político y social del siglo XX español (2008), co-authored by Juan Francisco Fuentes, and the first volume of Diccionario político y social del mundo iberoamericano (2009).
