Elections and prosopography of the members of the Special Courts of Cadiz (1810-1813)


  • Quinti Casals Bergés Universidad de Lleida




Courts of Cádiz, Liberalism, Members of parliament, Constitution 1812, Elections


In the present work we analyze the process of election of the Spanish members of parliament in the Courts of Cádiz (1810-1813), the sociology of these members of parliament and their behavior in the Parliament. After carrying out the analysis in the first place we observe that there were four modalities of election of the representatives and never covered all the seats. In the second place, we detect that the representatives chosen by the different institutions that took part in the electoral process were in the main of well-off social condition and representative of the Spanish society, the group of ecclesiastical representatives, of laws and civil servants, standing out in number.


Fecha de envío / Submission Date: 21/01/2012

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance Date: 13/03/2012

Author Biography

Quinti Casals Bergés, Universidad de Lleida

Quintí Casals Bergés (Lleida, 1965) es Doctor en Historia, profesor colaborador externo e investigador asociado a la Universidad de Lleida. En 1997 se doctoró en Historia Contemporánea por la Universitat de Lleida, con la tesis titulada: La Lleida dels Progressistes (1840-1843). Ha publicado diversos libros sobre el siglo XIX.



The Courts of Cadiz, the Spanish Constitution of 1812 and its influence in Latin America