For the "Common Good": Models of Federalism and Nationalism in Italian Resorgimento


  • Carlotta Latini Università degli studi di Camerino



History of Constitutional Thought, Cádiz, Liberal Constitutionalism, Constitution of United State of America, Constitutional Rights, Italian Risorgimento, Formulation of the Italian Nation-State, Federalism, American experience, Spanish Liberalism


The essay retraces the steps of the Italian Risorgimento in the light of constitutional thought and patterns circulating in Italy before unification, highlighting the reasons for the choices prevalent in Italian nation-building phase. After analyzing the concept of Constitution, of State and Nation, the essay examines two models of constitutions: the Spanish Constitution of Cádiz of 1812 and Constitution of Philadelphia. The first was functional for processing the concept of nation and the second draft federal constitution. Neither of the two models will be the winner in Italy, but will feed for a long time, the scientific debate until the beginning of Unity.
Fecha envío / Submission date: 25/08/2012Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 22/09/2012

Author Biography

Carlotta Latini, Università degli studi di Camerino

Professore associato di Storia del diritto medievale e moderno presso l’Università degli studi di Camerino. Insegna storia del diritto moderno e contemporaneo e storia della giustizia.