The Development of Constitutionalism in Albania (1912-1938)


  • Avni Alidemaj Universum International College in Pristina (Kosovo)
  • Sadik Haxhiu University “Kadri Zeka” in Gjilan (Kosovo)


Mots-clés :

Mots clés : Constitutionnalisme - Histoire constitutionnelle - Albanie 1912-1938 - Actes constitutionnels - Statuts.


The development of constitutionalism in Albania from 1912 until 1938 is characterized by the approval of four constitutional acts: Organic Statute of Albania in 1914, Statute of Lushnja in 1920, Basic Statute of the Republic of Albania in 1925, and Basic Statute of the Monarchy of Albania in 1928. These statutes have interrupted the tradition of applying Sharia Law in Albania, by applying models of the most advanced constitutions of the time, such as the monarchies and parliamentary republics of Western Europe and the United States. These acts have been approved in special political circumstances elaborated throughout the paper.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 02/07/2022
Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 14/09/2022

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Avni Alidemaj, Universum International College in Pristina (Kosovo)

Dr.Sc. Avni H. ALIDEMAJ was born in 1970 in Mitrovica / Kosovo and completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Prishtina/Kosovo in the field of legal sciences and public administration. He completed his advanced law studies (LL.M) at the Ohio Northern University (USA) being decorated with the two highest awards from the University of Ohio. At the same University, he completed advanced studies in legal pedagogy. He completed his third cycle of doctoral studies at the Southeast European University in Northern Macedonia, at the Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences - Governance and Public Administration Program, and received the title of Doctor of Science in Governance and Public Administration.

Pedagogical experience:

2013 - 2021, Trainer at the Kosovo Institute for Public Administration.

2013 - 2016, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Public Administration at AAB College in Prishtina.

2017, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Ohio, USA.

2019-2021, Lecturer at the International Business College of Mitrovica (IBCM).

2021-2022, Lecturer at Universum College.

University texts, monographs and scientific papers:

Has published and published these publications in magazines and other press of the time:


University texts and monographs:

  1. Monograph on Missing Persons in Mitrovica, a book published by the publishing house VIPRINT, 2011, Mitrovica.
  2. Professionalization of the Civil Service in Kosovo - comparative aspects, book published by LAMBERT ACADEMICS Publishing House, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-330-32703-0
  3. Public Administration and Its Development Trends in Kosovo, book published by TENDA Publishing House, Prishtina / Kosovo, ISBN: 9789951405

He has participated in many local, regional and international scientific conferences and has published 14 scientific papers in local, regional, and international scientific journals.

Sadik Haxhiu, University “Kadri Zeka” in Gjilan (Kosovo)

Professor and Dean of Law Faculty in Kadri Zeka University in Gjilan?Kosovo.






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