From Verdun to the ministry of war. French military policy and Manuel Azaña’s military reform


  • Enrique Roldán Cañizares Universidad de Sevilla


Azaña, military reforms, II Repúblic, military policy


The military reforms implemented by Manuel Azaña were one of the renovating pillars on which the Second Spanish Republic was based, which identified agrarian, religious and military reforms as fundamental for the transformation that the republican regime intended to apply to Spain. In this sense, the figure of Manuel Azaña as Minister of War is fundamental, since it was he who, based on decrees, printed the necessary turn needed by an army that had not yet recovered from the conflict in Moroccan territory. Thus, this article is based on the study that Manuel Azaña carried out on French military policy during World War I, analyzing if the lessons he learned about the army on the French and Italian fronts had some kind of influence on the measures taken once he became the Minister of War of the Republican Provisional Government.  

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 13/02/2024

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 18/04/2024

Author Biography

Enrique Roldán Cañizares, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor de Historia del Derecho en la Universidad de Sevilla





Dossier: Ninety years of the first biennium of the Second Republic