Women as new citizenship subjetcs in Second Republic. Legislative changes, new values, new practices


  • Ana Aguado Universidad de Valencia
  • Sofía Rodríguez Serrador


Citizenship, legislation, women, equality, practices, values


The Second Spanish Republic (1931- 1936) brought about the transformation of women into new subjects of citizenship - it was, for the first time, a "Republic of women citizens" - as a result of the legislative reforms introduced by the new government and the Constituent Courts. These reforms led to egalitarian advances, despite the evident continuities, contradictions and limits in gender relations and in everyday life practices. In this text we propose an analysis and reflections on these changes in the context of the Second Spanish Republic, as well as to what extent and with what limits they translated into new values and new egalitarian practices.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 3/03/2024

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptacnce date: 25/04/2024







Dossier: Ninety years of the first biennium of the Second Republic