Public education and instruction in the first biennium of the Second Republic


  • Luz Sanfeliu Gimeni Profesora Titular
  • Sergio Valero Gómez Universitat de València


Education, republicanism, socialism, secularism, reformism, teachers.


The first biennium of the Second Republic was, for Spanish education, a period of important transformations despite the difficulties generated by the economic crisis of 1929 and the opposition of the Catholic Church to the secularizing reforms. The new Constitution recognized that the State assumed exclusive educational responsibility and included, among other principles, the escuela unificada and active, secular, compulsory and free education. Furthermore, at the technical-teaching level, school creations and constructions and the training and selection of teachers were priority matters to achieve compliance with the constitutional text.

Fecha de envío/Submission date: 10/03/2024

Fecha de aceptación/Acceptance date: 23/04/2024






Dossier: Ninety years of the first biennium of the Second Republic