Between the Catholic Nation and the Holy See. A Catholic reading of article 12 of the Spanish 1812 Constitution


  • Francisco Javier Ramón Solans Universidad de Zaragoza


Regalism, Constitution of 1812, Protection, Intolerance, Spain, Latin America


The aim of this article is to analyze the implications of the principle of protection contained in article 12 of the Constitution of 1812 in the political and religious reorientation of nineteenth-century Catholicism. The starting hypothesis is that it is linked to a liberal reformist project of Catholicism and that the reaction against it was from the beginning associated with the defense of the papacy. To analyze this question, we will first situate Article 12 in a broader geographical and temporal context, and then move on to address the idea of protection in the context of the debate on the abolition of the Inquisition. In the last part we will explore the crisis of this liberal reformist model and the triumph of ultramontanism in the 1850s.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 10/04/2024

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 3/05/2024





Dossier: Liberalism, Constitutionalism and Catholicism in Latinamerica XIXth