The Revolutionary Biennium and the economic constitution of the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1933)


  • Clara Álvarez Alonso (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


Economic Constitution, Labor Constitution, Rural Constitution, National Economy, Social Function of Property, Socialization, Nationalization.


Inadmissible for the Second Spanish Republic on the grounds that it belongs to a different political model and that the concept is typical of the post second world war Constitutions, there are, however, sufficient elements to use the economic constitution concept during, at least, the Reformist Biennium. Here, we try to carry out an analysis of these elements and to highlight the reasons for the radical opposition to the economic constitution by certain economic and social sectors that prevented its effective implementation.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 4/03/2024

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 18/04/2024





Dossier: Ninety years of the first biennium of the Second Republic