Queen is coming! The Construction of Monarchical and National Imaginaries in the Travels of Elizabeth II in Spain (1858-1866


  • Rosa Ana Gutiérrez Lloret Universidad de Alicante


monarchy, Isabel II, royal travel, nationalization, Spain, 19th century


In order to guarantee their survival in a post-revolutionary society, European monarchies had to undergo a profound process of adaptation. The monarch lost political power to acquire the symbolic function of representing the nation, which gave him a fundamental role in the construction of modern nation-states. In this project of nationalisation of the monarchy, one of the fundamental instruments was royal travel, which allowed the discourses of legitimisation of the monarchy and the nation to be projected in the public sphere. Based on various documentary sources, including visual and iconographic ones, this article analyses the construction and public dissemination of the monarchical and national imaginaries that were staged around the figure of the queen during Isabella II's travels in Spain

Enviado el (Submission Date): 4/03/2024

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 3/05/2024

Author Biography

Rosa Ana Gutiérrez Lloret, Universidad de Alicante

Catedrática de Historia Contemporánea

Departamento de Humanidades Contemporáneas

Universidad de Alicante

