Making Autonomy a Constitution: the Estado integral


  • Giacomo Demarchi Università di Pisa


Estado integral, Autonomy, Second Spanish Republic, rationalized constitutionalism, Weimar, interwar Europe


Few definitions have aroused as much interest as that of “Estado integral”: coined in the Cortes Constituyentes of the Second Spanish Republic, it already aroused admiration and criticism among contemporaries. However, despite the early debate that fueled this solution, historiography has often not moved away from readings based on rigid models, without questioning how much reflection on the concept of autonomy was a driving element of interwar European constitutionalism. This paper aims to indicate, through a synchronic and diachronic comparison, paths that allow us to find the roots of the republican territorial project.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 16/04/2024

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 3/05/2024





Dossier: Ninety years of the first biennium of the Second Republic