Ignored, disputed and prized land: the valuable smallness of Uruguay in her relations with Rome


  • Susana Monreal Universidad Católica del Uruguay




Uruguay, Catholic Church, State, patronage, vicariate, diocese


This article aims to explain and analyze the religious characteristics of the region now occupied by Uruguay, as well as the more or less fluid relations developed with the Holy See. First, we examine the Constitution of 1830, the Uruguayan first fundamental law, in force until 1919, which defined the confessional character of the State. Secondly, we study the Roman mission led by Giovanni Muzi, sent to Chile and its neighbouring areas, and its very positive results in terms of ecclesiastical autonomy for the “oriental” region. Finally, we study the complex process followed by the newly independent Uruguay to achieve ecclesiastical independence.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 12/04/2024

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 6/05/2024

Author Biography

Susana Monreal, Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Susana Monreal is an emeritus professor and coordinator of the Permanent Seminar on History and Religion at the Catholic University of Uruguay. She holds a PhD in History/ Catholic University of Louvain-Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (1990), and she is an active member of the National System of Researchers of the National Agency for Research and Innovation / SNI-ANII. She coordinates, for Uruguay, the “Religion and Politics” Group of the Iberconceptos Project (University of the Basque Country, Spain) and the Dictionary of Cultural History of the Church in Latin America (Dicastery for Culture and Education, Vatican- Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, Mexico). She is a member of the board of directors of the Red de Estudios de Historia de la Secularización y la Laicidad/ Redhisel (Buenos Aires, Argentina). She is a member of ISHWRA / International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association (Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University, United Kingdom) and CIVITAS Forum of Archives and Research on Christian Democracy.





Dossier: Liberalism, Constitutionalism and Catholicism in Latinamerica XIXth