A commissioner of King Joseph I: Francisco Amoros


  • Rafael Fernández Sirvent Universidad de Alicante




Spanish War of Independence / Peninsular War / Guerre d’Espagne (1808-1814), Joseph I Bonaparte (1808-1813), afrancesados / josefinos (followers of the King Joseph Bonaparte), Francisco Amorós, Royal Commissioner.


Francisco Amorós was one of the most outstanding collaborator of the King José Bonaparte, during of the Spanish War of Independence. This article intents to examine some of the most important reasons that took this josefino for conviction to swear loyalty to the political program that represented the new Monarchy and the Constitution of Bayona, and to analyze the great authority that in theory had the employment of the Royal Commissioner of José I, as well as the various missions carried out and the obstacles founded by one the most active Royal Commissioner josefinos.

Submission date: 04/01/2008
Acceptance date: 16/04/2008

Author Biography

Rafael Fernández Sirvent, Universidad de Alicante

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Alicante (2004), y profesor de Historia Contemporánea en la misma Universidad (en activo). Ha publicado varios trabajos de investigación relacionados con las ideas políticas y la educación en el siglo XIX. Es autor del libro Francisco Amorós y los inicios de la educación física moderna. Biografía de un funcionario al servicio de España y Francia, Universidad de Alicante, 2005.



The Constitution of Bayonne and the reign of Joseph I Bonaparte