Political Theory of John Milton (II): Presence and influence on Colonial and Revolutionary America


  • María Nieves Saldaña Díaz Universidad de Huelva




milton, puritan revolution, ius resistendi, sovereignty


John Milton is well know as author of “Paradise Lost”, but his political thought is as important as his poetical works. He was one of the main detractors of the tyranny, and he opposed to it his idea of ius resistendi and his “trust theory”. He also defended the idea of the birthrights (later essential in the development of the American Revolution), and the rationalization of the Parliament Sovereignty. This article develops the essay "The poet of the Puritan Revolution: The Political Theory of John Milton", published on Constitutional History, n.2

Submission date: 01/02/2003
Acceptance date: 09/03/2003

Author Biography

María Nieves Saldaña Díaz, Universidad de Huelva

Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Huelva. Profesora de Derecho Constitucional y Derecho Comparado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Huelva. Se ha especializado en la tradición constitucional angloamericana sobre libertad de expresión. Actualmente está investigando en materia de Derecho Constitucional europeo. En breve publicará un estudio monográfico sobre el ensayo fundacional de la defensa moderna de la libertad de expresión, la Areopagítica de John Milton.