The ambiguities of «granted constitutionalism»: A transtlantic debate (I)


  • Oscar Ferreira Université Paris Est



constituent power, constitutionalism (ancient and modern), French Charter of 1814, granted constitutionalism, portuguese Charter of 1826


In Portugal and in its former colonies, the expression "constitucionalismo outorgado » is part of the constitutional vocabulary since the granting of the Charter of 1826. The French inspiration is obvious ; however, no equivalent expression exists in France. This curiosity leads to measure all the ambiguity of the concept of "granted constitutionalism", an improbable oxymoron according to the president of the Portuguese Republic, Teófilo Braga. Is it about a simple political and linguistic claim, a temporary compromise at the end of a frustrated Revolution? Or does it translate a deeper program, to reconcile both sides of the constitutionalism, ancient and modern ?

Enviado el (Submission Date) : 26/02/2015

Aceptado el (Acceptance date) : 3/05/2015

Author Biography

Oscar Ferreira, Université Paris Est

Doctor en derecho y profesor auxiliar. Su tesis versó sobre el poder real y el poder moderador en Francia (1814-1848). Ha publicado varios trabajos sobre el derecho constitucional, las ideas políticas y el dialogo entre las culturas juridicas francesa, portuguesa y brasileña.

