Drafting and Parliamentary Approval of the First Apportionment Bill of the United States (1789)


  • María Corrés Illera Universidad Complutense de Madrid




Representatives, proportional, amendment, Constitution, Congress


This paper analyses the changes in the drafting on the first US apportionment bill. As well as the parliamentary stages it had to surmount in order to obtain Congressional approval. Madison’s proposal was amended as it passed through the different stages of parliamentary proceedings. The finalized text was included in 1789 as Amendment I to the US Const. As such was presented for ratification within the Bill of Rights.
Fecha de envío / Submission Date: 29-10-2015
Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance Date: 21-01-2016

Author Biography

María Corrés Illera, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Licenciada en Derecho, 2010, UCM. Licenciada en Cc. Políticas y de la Administración, 2013, UCM. Máster en Análisis Político, 2012, UCM, Doctoera en Ciencia Política, 2015, UCM.Estancias en: Universidad de California Irvine, 2006. Universidad de Loyola Chicago, 2007. Universidad de California Santa Cruz, 2010. College of Europe/Collège d'Europe, 2013. Actualmente: Colaborador Honorífica Departamento Ciencia Política I, Facultad Cc. Políticas y Sociología, UCM





XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries