Kelsen and Schmitt: two jurists in Weimar


  • Josu de Miguel Bárcena Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Javier Tajadura Tejada Universidad del País Vasco



Kelsen, Schmitt, Weimar, constitutional State, democracy, defense of the Constitution


Kelsen and Schmitt have traditionally been considered as two of Weimar's most important jurists, although the constitutional canon of the Republic was probably built by other more relevant authors in their time. From this point of view, the present work makes an approximation to the political thought of both jurists, proposing a contrasting dialogue that takes into account fundamental elements such as the constitutional State, democracy and the defense of the Constitution. This paper defends the actuality of many of the concepts handled by Kelsen and Schmitt, despite the methodological and ideological differences that both maintained.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 23/04/2019

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 8/05/2019

Author Biographies

Josu de Miguel Bárcena, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Investigador posdoctoral del Gobierno Vasco en el Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development de la Universidad de Bolonia – Johns Hopkins University. Es Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad del País Vasco, y licenciado en Ciencias Políticas. 

Javier Tajadura Tejada, Universidad del País Vasco

Profesor Titular (Catedrático acreditado) de Derecho Constitucional





The Weimar Constitution in its centenary (1919-2019)