Rui Barbosa, Constitution and federal interventionism in the Brazilian First Republic




Históry of Law, Brazilian constitution of 1891, Constitutional Amendment, Rui Barbosa, Constitutionalism, Law History


The intention of this research was to analyze the political-legal narratives of the 1891 brazilian Constitution, the legislative speeches and the 1926 Constitutional Amendment in the light of Rui Barbosa's thought. It was seen that the Constitutional Amendment of 1926 granted a considerable list of hypotheses of federal intervention in the States. Rui Barbosa was in favor of a constitutional reform that regulated the intervention of the federal government, even though he was one of the creators of the constitution. Rui Barbosa found himself between the pleasant memory of the Parliamentary Monarchy and the abysmal reality of the presidential Republic.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 11/02/2021

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 27/04/2021

Author Biography

Tayná da Silva Marques do Rio, Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo

Estudante de Derecho en el Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo; Bolsista de Iniciación Científica en História del Derecho.

