First steps on colombian constitucionalism 1810-1815 Provincial constitutions.


  • Wilman Amaya León Universidad Libre Colombia



constitucion, Nueva Granada Colombia


The constitutional formation process in modern states had within its own characteristics the fact that it was different from one state to another. No matter how many neighbors they were, they followed a different constitutional path; one was the course followed by the English, another was that of the French, and logically it would not resemble that of the North American colonies. New Granada was not the exception, its constitutional process was different from the others, after breaking the ties that united them to the mother country, the New Granadans followed different routes; Each province of Virreynato adopted measures different from those taken by the others, none followed the guidelines of the Board that wanted to be supreme in Santafé, on the contrary, they opposed the determinations that were taken in the Capital; the marked regional differences and the distances that for the time were accentuated by the lack of adequate roads.

        These circumstances marked the path of constitutional formation in the old Nueva Granda, today the Republic of Colombia, in its beginnings the idea of a republic or of a united nation was very distant; On the contrary, each Province was organized as it had well arranged, thus allowing a group of provincial constitutions to appear in the regional universe, which were the origin of Colombian Constitutionalism and which would become its particular seal.

Enviado el / Submission date: 20/02/2021

Aceptado el / Acceptance date: 16/04/2021

