Facts, acts and constitutional projects for the forging of Republic of Colombia: from El Socorro to Cúcuta (1810-1821)


  • Justo Cuño Bonito Universidad Pablo de Olavide




Constitutions, Nueva Granada, Venezuela, nation-states, independence.


The forging of the new States was a bloody process, where the change of structures and superstructures gave birth to new liberal States built from the defeat of the absolute monarchies. There was no negotiation, no transition, no consensus: the emergence of constitutional projects accompanied a military triumph that settled and consolidated it around new political bases. The new triumphant elite used the constitutional projects to consolidate their new domination within their territories, but they also used the constitutions to ensure their independence from the rest of the regional elites. The process of construction of the new States has always been observed only from legal points of view or only from historical perspectives, without interrelating factors that only acquire significance and logic through an integrating both point of view. This is what this research proposes, which is part of an effort begun years ago to build integrative explanations around the constitutional projects that emerged in the captaincy general of Venezuela and in the Viceroyalty of New Granada at the beginning of the 19th century.

Fecha de envío / Submission date: 14/04/2021

Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance date: 5/05/2021





Dossier: 1820-1821: A key biennium in the Hispanic world