Lessons (Preliminaries) of Constitutional Science. Inputs for an historical study of Colombian constitutionalism of the end of 19th century





Juan Félix De León, Constitutional Law, Colombian history, Colombia, Lecciones de Ciencia Constitucion, 19th century


In 1877, Professor Juan Félix De León published the work Lecciones de Ciencia Constitucional (Lessons in Constitutional Science), which studies the constitutional law of the 19th century. Based on it, this article proposes, from a genealogical methodology, a historical-interpretative reconstruction of the Constitution of the United States of Colombia (1863) regarding the issues of carrying and trading of weapons and constitutional reform. To this end, it contains a study of the context in which the work was published, the professional life of Professor De León and the contents of the book Lecciones de Ciencia Constitucional.

Fecha de envío / Submission Date: 12/01/2022
Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance Date: 18/02/2022

Author Biography

Édgar Hernán Fuentes Contreras, Universidad de los Andes, Chile

Investigador Postdoctoral de la Universidad de Los Andes, Chile; Doctor, con mención internacional, y máster en Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad de Sevilla (España); Magíster en Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Especialista en Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y abogado de la Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). Docente, conferencista, par académico, investigador y autor.





United States and Latin America