From the "quincenas" to the Law of Vagrants and Thugs. The repression of petty crime against property in Madrid in the first third of the 20th century


  • Santiago de Miguel Salanova Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Madrid, Second Republic, crime against property, police, Law of Vagrants and Thugs, social dangerousness


This article aims to analyse the phenomenon of crime against property and its official treatment using a specific chronological and local framework: the city of Madrid in the first third of the 20th century. The first goal of the research is to understand the way in which the Ley de Vagos y Maleantes (Law of Vagrants and Thugs), actually created in the Second Republic, was early invoked as a legal tool conducive to solve the problems of personal security that emerged with the urban transformation and the distinctive gaps that created in the Spanish capital. Secondly, the research will deep into the application of the law on individuals connected with that typology of social deviation and its generational, sociological and behavioral characteristics. For the fulfillment of this last purpose, the study is based on the quantitative and qualitative information provided by dangerousness proceeding files.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 06/06/2023

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 12/09/2023

Author Biography

Santiago de Miguel Salanova, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Historia Moderna e Historia Contemporánea, Becario posdoctoral de Atracción de Talento de la Comunidad de Madrid

