Citizenship destitution. The legal dimension of the 1936 Crusade


  • Pablo Sánchez León Centro de Humanidades CHAM - Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Crusade (holy war), Law, Francoism, Temporality, Victors, Defeated


This article deals with the concept of the Crusade in Francoist discourse, beyond its partaking in propaganda and as a resource for mobilization and legitimization of the regime. Understanding the holy war as a founder of order, it goes through the provisions of the Official State Gazette throughout the regime, showing how the normative framework of Francoism embraced the division between victors and vanquished, founding a post-citizen order of privileged and subalterns. Finally, it approaches the Crusade from the perspective of its temporality, pointing out the contradictions between the enunciating discourse and the effects of its institutional embodiment. It ends by suggesting the need for a re-signification of the violence at the origin of Franco's order.

Enviado el (Submission Date):13/06/2023

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 18/09/2023

