The Constitutional Debate in the newspaper El Sol (1917-1931)


  • Juan Pablo Camazón Linacero Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia


Liberalism, Newspaper El Sol, Generation of 14, Constitution, State


Between 1917 and 1931, the liberal newspaper El Sol welcomed the constitutional ideas of the members of the so-called Generation of 14 led by Ortega y Gasset. The deep crisis caused by the de facto liquidation of the 1876 Constitution gave rise to the effort to legitimize another of a democratic nature, respectful of the rights of citizens and the division of powers. The territorial organization of the State and the illegitimacy of the Primo de Rivera dictatorship also occupied the pages of the newspaper and worried intellectuals. El Sol contributed to preparing public opinion for change and many of its writers took part in the political praxis of the Second Republic and in the drafting of the 1931 Constitution.

Enviado el (Submission Date): 29/07/2023

Aceptado el (Acceptance Date): 17/08/2023

