The Holy Alliance of Peoples facing a national resistance.Circulation and dissemination of fraternal and cosmopolitan ideas during the Trienio liberal


  • Laurent Nagy Éducation Nationale



Trienio liberal, political fraternity, Holy Alliance of Peoples, Liberal propaganda


The first moments of the Trienio Liberal (1820-1823) represent a real laboratory experiments to try to rally some of the Spanish nation to a supranational idea and fraternal. Hostile not only to infringements of the royal prerogatives, but still, from spring 1821, with the presence in the Iberian Peninsula of a large number of political refugees (French, Neapolitans, Piedmonteses, Polishs...), the Spanish people became an island of resistance in the face of Liberal momentum. Having supported a military occupation of a rare violence shortly before, many Spaniards see in these expatriates the return of their former enemies. This lack of understanding requires the European diaspora to turn into propagandists of Liberty.
While the intense movement of people politicized in this post-revolutionary period is better studied, should be entered here by some specific aspects, the inertial forces rely enforced by this cosmopolitan community to pass on to a refractory nation their principles of political modernity.
Fecha de envío / Submission Date: 20/12/2015
Fecha de aceptación / Acceptance Date: 18/02/2016

Author Biography

Laurent Nagy, Éducation Nationale

Enseignant, docteur en Histoire.
Sujet d’étude : Les migrations politiques transnationales en Europe après 1815. Mes recherches portent plus particulièrement sur les interrelations entre la France et
l'Espagne durant le Trienio liberal.

